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Why do we tend to associate confidence with material things? If the material things were gone, does that mean your confidence is gone too? If the clothes, cars, makeup, shoes, jewelry, designer labels and compliments stop, what does that mean for you? Why do we let our confidence take form based on others thoughts of us or what we do or do not have? We never seem to take into consideration the thoughts of the one who created us. God never leaves us empty. We allow ourselves to be filled with the wrong things, which makes us feel empty because we aren’t making room for Him. When it comes to confidence, Psalms 139:14 ERV says, “I praise you because you made me in such a wonderful way.” The way God made you is wonderful, so build your confidence off that. To me, confidence is not a look; it’s a feeling and a mindset. When you look up the word “confidence”, it’s defined as “a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities”. In a nutshell, your confidence needs to be based on how you feel about yourself and remembering that God created you in a wonderful way. When He created you to be you, He didn’t create you based on what others would think of you. So start looking in the mirror and loving what you see because if God wasn’t confident in you He wouldn’t have created you. Love you for you. Love Eboni p 

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