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Return Accepted

Have you ever tried to return something to a store, only to be told that there are no refunds or exchanges, unless you have the receipt or the item is in its original packaging? I bet someone is looking for a receipt right now while reading this. What if God told us the same thing, “you can’t come to me unless you’re in perfect condition.” That’s the thing about God, he accepts us just as we are, even when we come back to him with bruises, rips, broken hearts, wavering thoughts, he takes it all. But what about us? Do we accept someone’s return in our lives so humbly? Absolutely not! We have 1,000 questions about why they came back when we should be accepting of the change. We need to show the same grace and mercy to others that God has shown us. Let's not be so quick to void the return because of the state in which it left. In order to release you have to forgive, and in order to forgive you have to release. Love Eboni P.  

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