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Who’s watching You

You never know who’s watching you on a daily basis​.​ So, I always say, since they are watching, give them something to watch. Believe it or not, we are ​inspired​ by each other. Do you really understand what it means to inspire? The dictionary defines inspire in this way, " to fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially doing something creative.​"​ In a nutshell, to inspire someone means ​to​ encourage them to take the limits off and do what it is that they were placed here to do. Christ died so that we can be free to live our best life and encourage people to trust and believe in him. Christ's life inspires us daily. I encourage you to spend time with yourself and embrace who you are. You are molding and changing and that is to be celebrated, not to be played with like a 

game. So wake up everyday with the goal of Christ, to encourage and inspire because someone is always watching. Love Eboni P 

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