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In school, we were all taught to ask the five W's- Who, What, When, Where, and Why. The “why” is always the one that gets us. It seems like our “whys” are always followed by a negative question, especially when it comes to God and the things he does. Our questions sound something like this, Why did my life have to be like this? Why did you take my granddaddy, grandmamma, my baby, best friend or whomever it may be? Why didn't this relationship work out for me? Why didn't I get this job? Why, why, why? As I was writing this, I noticed that our “whys” are very self-focused. What if God asked us why, how would we feel? Why do you doubt me? Why do you hide me? Why do you lie to me? Why do you half serve me? I'm sure we would think twice if God came to us the way we come to him. God shows us so much grace and mercy. It's not that he doesn't want us to ask why, but we need to think about why we are asking why. Are we truly ready for the answer to our why? I have a quote that says, “Don't keep trying to figure out the why because one why leads to another why. If we had all the answers right away, there would be no need for faith.” I remind myself daily that some things aren't even worth me asking why because trials and tribulations are part of growing your faith and growing your faith makes you understand your why and your why turns from “why me” to understanding why you need God the way you do. 1 Corinthians 2:12 says, “what we have received is not the spirit of the world but the spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us.” So think about your why before you ask why. Trust God’s path for you even if you don’t understand why. Love Eboni P. 

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